join our remote team!

  • training plan

    our team of coaches will provide personalized training plans for athletes to perform in their home gym. Plans can be made for parents to administer or for athletes to perform on their own.

  • comp support

    our awesome team of coaches will be available at all qualifying and championship events to support athletes throughout the season. We prioritize good comp strategy, staying cool under pressure, and talking about how our emotions affect our competition.

  • remote coaching

    depending on location, our team of coaches can travel to offer in-person sessions. We are dedicated to building relationships with our remote team athletes and we will work with you to figure out the best plan to support your athlete throughout the season.

what makes us different

our approach to training is different. We prioritize exploring movement, learning competition strategies, and developing confidence as competitors.

we don’t just train to create strong athletes, we train to create smart, intuitive competitors who are resilient to each challenge they face.

come crush with us.